Why You Shouldn’t Use Wood Decking (And Choose Trex Instead)
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Why You Shouldn’t Use Wood Decking (And Choose Trex Instead)

Trex Deck Warner's Decking of Naperville

Terren McDaniels 5/29/24 When choosing a decking material, homeowners have plenty of options. Decking can enhance an outdoor space, providing a place for relaxation, entertainment, and enjoying nature. While many still lean towards traditional wood decking, modern composite decks have become a popular choice due to their advantages. Among the many composite decking products, Trex stands out as a reputable brand offering high-quality decking solutions.

In this article, we'll explore why traditional wood decking has become outdated and why Trex composite decking is a superior choice. We’ll discuss key factors that show why Trex should be your go-to option for a dream deck. With the expertise of Warner's Decking, you can experience the benefits of Trex and create a beautiful, long-lasting deck tailored to your needs.

Maintenance and Durability

Wood decking requires regular cleaning and sealing to prevent rot and insect infestation. It also requires annual maintenance like sanding, staining, and sealing, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Furthermore, wood decking faces durability issues like warping, splitting, and cracking, especially in extreme weather conditions. Over time, these issues can impact the look and functionality of wooden decks, requiring constant attention and repairs. In hot weather, wooden decking boards can become uncomfortably warm, while in colder climates, they may crack or split.

In contrast, Trex composite decking offers low maintenance benefits, making it an ideal alternative to wood. Trex requires minimal cleaning and doesn't need sealing, saving homeowners time and effort.

Additionally, Trex composite deck boards are resistant to rot, insects, and weather-related damage. This durability ensures the decking remains in great shape for many years, even in extreme weather conditions. Trex composite materials provide a tough material that withstands the elements, making it an excellent choice for outdoor decking projects.

Aesthetic Appeal

Over time, wood decking can lose its charm and aesthetic appeal. Traditional wooden decks tend to fade, especially when exposed to harsh weather conditions and UV rays. This fading diminishes the deck's beauty and can leave it looking worn and neglected.

Additionally, natural timber decking offers limited color options, usually restricted to the natural shades of wood or a handful of stains. While some people appreciate the look of natural woods, the limited variety makes it challenging to match the decking with different outdoor aesthetics.

On the other hand, Trex composite decking provides long-lasting colors and an array of aesthetic options. The wide range of Trex composite decking colors remains vibrant and resists fading, ensuring the deck looks fresh and appealing for years.

With a variety of styles, Trex offers many finishes and shades, allowing homeowners to choose from a diverse palette that complements their outdoor spaces perfectly. The composite decking materials used in Trex products can mimic the look of tropical hardwood, real wood, and other natural materials. This provides homeowners with the aesthetic appeal they desire without the drawbacks of traditional wood.

Environmental Impact

Traditional wood decking has a significant environmental impact due to deforestation. The demand for wood for decking contributes to the clearing of forests. Over time, this can harm ecosystems and contribute to climate change.

Traditional timber decking is non-recyclable, which means it does not use recycled materials and often ends up in landfills once it reaches the end of its lifespan. Using wood for decking can also lead to other environmental issues, such as habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

Trex composite decking is an eco-friendly choice that minimizes environmental impact. Trex uses recycled material, including recycled plastic and wood scraps, to form durable composite decking boards. By using recycled materials, Trex helps reduce waste and makes use of resources that would otherwise go unused. This sustainable choice makes Trex an environmentally responsible decision, as it allows homeowners to enjoy beautiful decking without contributing to deforestation or excessive waste.

Additionally, Trex composite decking is long-lasting, reducing the need for frequent replacements and further conserving resources.

Cost Considerations

Wood decking has a lower initial cost compared to other decking materials, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners. However, the lower up-front cost comes with high ongoing maintenance costs. Regular cleaning, sealing, and repairs add up over time, making wood decking more expensive in the long run. Additionally, the need for frequent repairs and replacements can become a financial burden, especially if unexpected issues arise, leading to credit card debt or other financial strains.

Trex composite decking has a higher up-front cost but offers significant cost savings over time. With minimal maintenance required, homeowners save money on cleaning, sealing, and repairs. This makes Trex a clever investment for long-term decking projects. While the initial cost is higher, the durability and low maintenance needs of Trex composite decking provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing they’ve made a smart financial choice that will benefit them for years.


Trex composite decking offers a superior alternative to traditional wood and other decking materials due to its durability, low maintenance, and eco-friendly benefits. By choosing Trex, homeowners can enjoy a beautiful, long-lasting outdoor space without the hassle and costs associated with other decking materials.

For those seeking a dream deck, Warner's Decking can help bring that vision to life. Our decking experts offer guidance and high-quality Trex decking solutions tailored to your needs. Choosing Trex and working with Warner's Decking is a clever investment in creating a stylish and sustainable outdoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I replace my traditional wood decking with Trex?

Yes, you can replace your traditional wood decking with Trex composite decking. Trex composite boards fit standard deck framing, making the replacement straightforward. Upgrading to Trex is a smart choice for enhancing your deck’s durability, appearance, and low-maintenance benefits.

Does Trex absorb water?

No, Trex composite decking does not absorb water. The composite materials used in Trex decks are resistant to moisture, preventing issues like warping and cracking. This makes Trex an excellent option for decks exposed to rain and high-traffic areas where spills are common.

What is the lifespan of Trex decking?

The lifespan of Trex decking is around 25 to 30 years. Trex offers durable composite decking products designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and general wear and tear. This longevity, coupled with Trex’s low-maintenance needs, makes it a great investment for long-term decking projects.

Does Trex decking get moldy?

Trex decking is resistant to mold growth. The dense material of Trex composite boards prevents moisture from penetrating the surface and reduces the risk of mold or mildew. Regular cleaning with soap and water is enough to keep Trex decks looking clean and mold-free.

Are Trex decks slippery?

Trex decks are slip-resistant. The surface texture of Trex composite boards provides traction, even when wet. This feature makes Trex decking a safe choice for outdoor spaces, particularly in areas prone to rain or by swimming pools.

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